
Reviews (561)

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Book Safe
US$ 25.99
Reviews (561)
  • 'Nique
    Exactly what I expected. Safe/discreet place to store my journal or anything else I may decide to keep in it. Outer texture of book safe feels/looks just like a book
    7 Days Ago
  • jillian
    My boyfriend loves this!
    7 Days Ago
  • pat
    Grandson loves it.
    7 Days Ago
  • Big Tony
    Nice spot, good quality, great item to have.
    7 Days Ago
  • facers
    This is a great product.
    7 Days Ago
  • astrid
    Looks good and is solid. I gifted 3.
    7 Days Ago
  • Pedro R
    Looks like a real dictionary!
    7 Days Ago
  • patty santiago
    My kids favorite book. Haven’t changed the password just so he won’t forget it (5years old) but it’s been perfect and everyone thinks he just reads the dictionary. He puts his tablet and charger in it as a travel case.
    7 Days Ago
  • Doris
    This is a security that insists most burglars or thieves wouldn't think to look. Great aspect of hiding your valuables safe inside your home. Very sturdy and reliable! Comes with keys to place on your car keys to ensure you always have access.
    7 Days Ago
  • Bruce Boatner
    Very convincing, and good quality construction - excellent bang for the buck.
    7 Days Ago
  • T. Rios
    Very secretive, very nice still have it till this day it think it’s been a year.
    7 Days Ago
  • M.H. Sr.
    Very nice! Much better than I thought. For the price it is a bargain.
    7 Days Ago
  • Janet Fisa
    Money, prescriptions, social security cards, Medicare cards....
    7 Days Ago
  • Dave York Pa
    Looks real! I like to be ‘protected’ with storing a ‘device’ in my family room and this works perfectly. 380’s, small to mid size 9’s will fit fine.
    7 Days Ago
  • Joyce
    Pros: combination lock, would not have to worry about losing a key or having the key getting into other people’s hands, only you will know the password, perfect for storing valuable items and stuff like money, looks like a real dictionary on shelf
    Cons: you may forget combination
    7 Days Ago
  • Nikki♡
    Very discreet and larger enough to hold valuables. Blends with other books on the shelf but wished the pages were paper-like.
    7 Days Ago
  • KC
    Sitting on its own or on your book self with other books you wouldn’t even know it’s not a real book. Quality of the cover is really high and luxurious and the fake pages looks actually is very deceiving. Great little box to hide away things you don’t want found.
    7 Days Ago
  • Bailey Bouma
    7 Days Ago
  • Desi
    My nephew loves it. He works doing work for me so he can earn m only to put it in his safe. It’s super adorable and lets him keep his money in a safe spot even if its only a few bucks he has in there so far lol. The safe looks real and enough room inside for bigger items.
    7 Days Ago
  • Britnee
    this is a good way to keep your stuff safe if you are staying somewhere with people, or if you're in a college dorm, its the perfect thing to get
    7 Days Ago