The Chinese New Year holiday is from January 22nd to February 7th. Orders placed during the holiday will be shipped after the holiday ends.Thank you!

Reviews (31)

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  • Lyndacan
    We have coyotes running around freely in my neighborhood. I put one whistle on each of my key chains and it is lightweight and easy to carry on my walks. It has a good loud sound too. I feel safer having it with me.
    7 Days Ago
  • Gypsygirl66
    I purchased several of these for everyone living on our little street after a 8th grader walking 6 houses from the middle school and was almost kidnapped. The blast is strong and clear and piercing!
    7 Days Ago
  • Chris
    These went right into our emergency kits. Plenty loud to summon help or get someone’s attention. Good buy.
    7 Days Ago
  • Flower
    Came quickly and looks just as expected
    7 Days Ago
  • Casia bajoji
    Excellent produit!J'aime vraiment ces couleurs et ça marche très bien.
    7 Days Ago
  • Destin Loranc
    Works great!
    7 Days Ago
  • Trothmetisch
    Sehr schön.Qualität, Stil und Wert.
    7 Days Ago
  • Lynnc
    Good as emergency whistle.
    7 Days Ago
  • Gandalf Greyhame
    Bought this to carry in case of emergencies, where I need to signal for help; it is small, and believe me, if you put good effort into it, it is really loud. A good emergency tool to have on your keychain, in your glove compartment, etc.
    7 Days Ago
  • Scott Davis
    Small, light, can clip or slip anywhere and super loud! My dogs respond instantly!
    7 Days Ago
  • 프 라 테 르
    우리 의 재난 공구 꾸러미 의 일부분.
    7 Days Ago
  • FireHawg
    As advertised, good quality and super LOUD
    7 Days Ago
  • Curtis
    Very sharp and loud sound, good for the price
    7 Days Ago
  • masfbr
    Buen material y útil para acampar o alguna emergencia
    7 Days Ago
  • Fast 70
    Shrill sound.Compact size && shape.Bekommt sofortige Aufmerksamkeit besser als normal pfeifen
    7 Days Ago
  • Adrianna Gomez
    A carry this With me everywhere I go ! As a female it’s perfect!
    7 Days Ago
  • リナノルキスト
    7 Days Ago
  • denise cole
    Good quality
    7 Days Ago
  • Ann
    Gave to my college grandsons to put on their keychains. They really liked them.
    7 Days Ago
  • Mike M
    Great for keychain use safety
    7 Days Ago